Fashion, style, music, and the things I see that inspire me. A style blog of sorts.
let's go to Seattle
I'm pretty into this...
Photo Credit: Refinery29
I really like the menswear inspired details such as the shoes and button up tops with cardigans but the fact that it's all very feminine at the same time. It's all in the cut. It also doesn't hurt that all of this is affordable too.
Photo Credit: Refinery29
This collection kind of makes me think of other thing that I like, like Beach House, this really great band that I'm seeing in April. My friends Sam and Liz got me into them and their latest album Teen Dream. Every song is pretty great and kind of fits the vibes from this collection. One of my faves is Walk In The Park It goes well with Alexa Chung clothes and KETTLE CORN, which I had last night (thanks to Nabil and his large supply) and just can't seem to stop thinking about it. Alexa Chung, Beach House, and kettle corn, what a combination!
Ahh the Olympics have thoroughly hit Vancouver. So much to see, so much to do, so this post may be somewhat disjointed but I shall try my hardest for it to make some sense.
Team USA wore these little numbers that Ralph Lauren designed. Generally, I quite liked them but thought they were on the cusp of being a bit too fashion-y for the Olympics with the cropped jackets and skinny pants and have a few doubts as to whether or not a typical athlete would seek out something like this to wear. But I like the fact that Ralph Lauren went for the classic American sportswear and puffy jacket with a bit of a throw back to the 70s.
The Brits, oh the Brits. Classic with the blazers and berets. I don't really have any complaints about this. It may not scream sporty but I just think it's funny and kind of awesome that only they could pull this off.
Just so many countries and so many outfits. But, let us not forget that there is more to the Olympics than sheer athletic talent and national pride. There is art, and concerts, free art and concerts!!
Here are some of my pictures from concerts and art exhibitions that I also have had a chance to check out during the Olympics. Gooooood times.
CODE Live 2 exhibit held at Emily Carr University of Art and Design
Alexander McQueen
This morning it was announced that the visionary fashion designer Alexander McQueen has passed away. The 40 year old incredibly inspirational designer was found dead in his home after reportedly committing suicide. I found out about the news on Twitter of all places (there's participatory journalism for you) was shocked and immediately went to check out other sources for info.
With the beginning of Paris Fashion week this week, it definitely puts a sombre mood in the fashion world as well as cast a light on the timeless artful pieces that McQueen created and for his legacy to be celebrated.
I don't really know what to say about the loss of this visionary man, and all the talent he possessed and the inevitably amazing creations that were yet to be seen by the world. I was told about the piece that Tim Blanks, one of my personal favorite fashion journalists, wrote for I think he really says it best, simply, kindly, and honest.
As a tribute of sorts, here's a compilation of some of my favorite pieces by the designer and the works that will stand the test of time as true pieces of art that speak for themselves.
stairway to heaven
What's a good thing to do on a Tuesday afternoon? Go to the Vancouver Art Gallery. My friend Sam needed to go for a visual arts assignment and was told she could bring a friend, so I there I went! I had never been and kept hearing amazing things so I thought it was critical that I go (instead of my history class that lectures directly from the text book). There was some pretty cool stuff. They were actually putting up this sculpture when we got there so we got to see that whole process in action.
I must say my favorite part was when Sam and I stumbled into a room that say "Please Enter" and came to find a dark room with a giant projection of a guy playing Stairway to Heaven on the beach. I don't know what it was that I liked so much, maybe the simplicity, or the colours, or the combination of everything but we ended up going back a second time.
The gallery also has these really cool short videos that play outside on to the street that we ended up watching for a while. They were very abstract (boy being hit in the head with a ball repeatedly and people pouring milk and various dairy products into and around their mouths) but if you actually stand and watch them for a while they become quite mesmerizing.