

Ahh the Olympics have thoroughly hit Vancouver. So much to see, so much to do, so this post may be somewhat disjointed but I shall try my hardest for it to make some sense.

So to start it off I thought I would be a nerd and talk about what all the athletes wore, because when I was watching the opening ceremonies I found myself obnoxiously commenting on all of the countries' different outfits. Sooo, Canada, I was a fan. I actually went and waited in a line to get in to The Bay so that I could get the hat that the athletes wore in.

Photo credit: stuff.co.nz

The large arctic style jacket with fur is also something that I am a fan of. On trend but not too trendy.

Photo credit: Samantha Melnyk

Also spotted this young man downtown rocking the classic HBC coat. Nothing says classic Canadiana like The Bay and some good ol' fur trading.

Team USA wore these little numbers that Ralph Lauren designed. Generally, I quite liked them but thought they were on the cusp of being a bit too fashion-y for the Olympics with the cropped jackets and skinny pants and have a few doubts as to whether or not a typical athlete would seek out something like this to wear. But I like the fact that Ralph Lauren went for the classic American sportswear and puffy jacket with a bit of a throw back to the 70s.

Photo credit: vermontolympians.com

The Brits, oh the Brits. Classic with the blazers and berets. I don't really have any complaints about this. It may not scream sporty but I just think it's funny and kind of awesome that only they could pull this off.

Photo credit: dailymail.co.uk

Here's the Russians, lots of red, lots of white, lots of Russia.

Just so many countries and so many outfits. But, let us not forget that there is more to the Olympics than sheer athletic talent and national pride. There is art, and concerts, free art and concerts!!

Here are some of my pictures from concerts and art exhibitions that I also have had a chance to check out during the Olympics. Gooooood times.

CODE Live 2 exhibit held at Emily Carr University of Art and Design

Malajube playing at Livecity Yaletown.

So there it is, my disjointed little rundown of the Vancouver 2010 Olympics so far!

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